Wednesday, April 18, 2007

who takes the photographer's photos?

This was definitely a big dilemma. I turned to the web & magazines to find a creative idea to have stylized photos, without the cost. Don't get me wrong, there will be talented people shooting during the ceremony, reception, etc. but I don't want them working instead of dancing and eating cake. This idea gives them a break. Fabric backdrops, with my colors, tripods and cameras. Everyone walks into the ceremony venue, 'snap!', signs the guestbook, and gets ready to look for me in a dress. Then, it's open for anybody to jump in and have fun.

It combines the things I love about a studio, photobooth and polaroid effect, in one. Char suggested a small basket of fun items, like vintage hats, boas, etc. I think I agree. My father rocking a western hat? priceless!

1 comment:

f*bomb. said...

It fits you, Jules. It FITS YOU!