Wednesday, April 18, 2007

under the old oak tree

I went home last weekend and confirmed our location at Falkirk Mansion w/m&d. It definitely has potential, and with my talented friends and family to help decorate, this place will be perfect. After Jan sends over the 'ok', I'm calling the lady today to secure it. I am very behind in schedule according to Martha, so I am hauling now, so I can slow it down and enjoy the last few months. We will probably get married under the large oak tree (it's all green and pretty now), and have the reception in the back wedding garden. Dancing will follow on the deck of the house. We're shooting our save the date photos this weekend, so stand by! The venue has a limit, so it won't be a huge wedding, but it'll be filled w/lots of family and good times!

1 comment:

f*bomb. said...

So the agenda is:
1) Paint toenails, giggle, pink lemonade and brunch.
2) Slumber party.
3) Sweatshop-type labour, decorating, flowers, flowers, everywhere...
4) Idyllic outdoor wedding.
5) The most fantastic little reception this side of quaint-with-style.
Sounds good. I'm IN.